Tuesday Charter North Plainfied Fire Department enjoyed better fishing then previous trips, We managed 15 keepers and a few shorts. Short bite was still pretty slow. Overall it was nice to see a few more keepers hit the deck. First Keeper Jeff Meyer, and the biggest fish 5.2 lbs Chris Hopf Middlesex NJ.
Wednesday Open Boat 7AM
Angain the keeper count was better but the short life is still not where it should be. Landed the majority of our fish in the morning and then lost conditions to end the day with a death pick. Boys didnt give me the pool winner info, 12 Keeps for the day.
Wednesday Magic Hour - Well we had great conditions, however way tooooooo fast. We managaed a few shorts and 2 keeps for the night. Bill Lucky Lehma wins the pool with a 2.1 pound fluke and Misty Morn sharpie Marlee lands the second keeper schooling all te old timers.